First Post

I’ve been tinkering with an example project that integrates Next.js with WordPress for the past few days. The first steps have been to incorporate a PrimeReact theme and customise it. Having the option to switch between a light or dark theme is more common recently, so that’s nice to have.

I have some ideas for things I’d like to write about. I expect it will be mostly about programming and working on some projects.

Project ideas

I plan to put up a couple of pages with a couple of projects I had started but have not yet finished.

Web application scripting using Python

Recently I have combined xterm.js with a Python REPL using Pyodide. This uses WebAssembly to provide a Python environment integrated with JavaScript in the browser. It still needs a bit of work. Mostly the terminal doesn’t do as much as it needs to do yet. The idea is to provide automation scripting using Python similarly to some desktop applications.

A spreadsheet component

There are not a lot of choices when it comes to open-source spreadsheet components for JavaScript. So when I found JSpreadsheet, I was pretty interested in seeing how it worked, and I’ve taken it apart and re-worked it a bit, intending to replace the formula evaluation code in it.

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